Thinking Out of the Box

“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”

H. Jackson Brown Jr.

H. Jackson Brown Junior is an American author. He was born in 1940 in Middle Tennessee. Before he became a writer, he worked in an advertising agency. He is a non-fiction writer. His work reminds me that books are not just full blown stories. They can take different shapes and forms, and making short, instructive and straight to the point(s) attracts people’s attention.

For those who are interested, here is an excerpt from his first best-selling book Life’s Little Instruction Book.

  1. Compliment three people every day.
  2. Have a dog.
  3. Watch a sunrise at least once a year.
  4. Remember other people’s birthdays.
  5. Never mention being on a diet.
  6. Have a firm handshake.
  7. Look people in the eye.
  8. Say “thank you” a lot.
  9. Say “please” a lot.
  10. Learn to play a musical instrument.
  11. Sing in the shower.
  12. Use the good silver.
  13. Learn a card trick.
  14. Plant flowers every spring.
  15. Own a great stereo system.
  16. Be the first to say, “Hello.”
  17. Live beneath your means.
  18. Drive inexpensive cars, but own the best house you can afford.
  19. Buy great books even if you never read them.
  20. Be forgiving of yourself and others.

Life’s Little Instruction Book, by H. Jackson Brown Jr.

511 Suggestions, Observations, and Reminders on How to Live a Happy and Rewarding Life

Click here to read the full text. 

Featured image captured on July 30th, 2017, in Oze, France (iPhone 5S, HDR settings).

14 Comments Add yours

  1. ivors20 says:

    So practical and so genuine, I especially like numbers 2. and 15.,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love his style too. I think people can identify with a lot of those points and each of us is free to pick our favorite 🙂 (I’d go with 10, 15 😉 and 19.)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ivors20 says:

        ah, you’re a musical bookworm…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That about sums me up ^^


  2. Great list. I picked up a few new ideas here too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I thought so too 🙂 Glad you like it Diane ❤ Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Singledust says:

    practical advice for a good life not only for yourself but to touch others too. Thanks for sharing this, it made my day and I am passing it on. Simple truths that make humanity grand!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey my lovely Gina ❤ Glad I could help make your day an even better one. I agree with you about little things and simple truths. They are the most delightful treats. Hugs from France ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Singledust says:

        hugs back H! you made it perfect!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. ❤ That makes me happy 🙂


  4. emotionsoflife2016 says:

    I loved all the 20, how come I never heard of him? Wow

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is probably due to the “famous in the USA” phenomenon, it doesn’t spread out to the rest of us. I love his way of thinking too, and this quote so very much. Besides, it is always nice to stumble upon a voice that speaks to you, isn’t it?.


      1. emotionsoflife2016 says:

        Yes. Thank you for your great blog

        Liked by 1 person

        1. and for yours 🙂 😉


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