Transcending Elation

Your hair down. A smile dancing on your lips, reddened by the inebriating, enchanting embrace we have just shared. Your laughing eyes inviting me. You have never been as beautiful as you are today. Your forms transformed. Our union transcended. Our love forever made flesh. Your beauty with your forms adulated.

Caught in Mid-Air

Morning light’s warming up my face, wiping off doubts, cleansing all worries with a vibrant shine. My eye sight is turned blind through this power surge feed. My mind projects bits and pieces of you in the midst, interweaving dreams in the fabric of reality. I sigh…

Cemented Breath

i- Stone serpent conjured, erected by human hands. Rim charmed by passing souls runs, and rides along, protects. It shelters, and hides, undulates aside the lake. Man-crafted mineral matter, winding frontier between land and water, setting apart liquid body and earthy dust, stitching


“My reality is declining. I’m lost in translation between the world with you and its bland alternate without.”

Fabricated Flowers (1)

“It felt like a nothing disguising a something in hiding. My instinct was telling me there was something, or someone, watching me. It was right there in this wall. I did not know what it was. All I knew was what I could feel, and I was rarely wrong when my senses came to play.”


Homework check. Tucked in bed, good night kiss, night embrace, Morning hug, loving smile – away you go. School all day. Back home. Lively chats, interest shown to a young adult in the making. That’s all they need, and up they grow.


Eyes reach, meet shyly. Lips share soft words clumsily. Souls smile heartily.

Theia*’s Servants

Sheer flickering lights popping on and dying out. Ephemeral life dancing on water too fast for our human eye to comprehend. We watch, breathless, as these soft, ethereal creatures bring on their weightless performance, sparkle, and slide their way on the lake,


Irresistibly I am drawn to you. Dawn of another life etching before me, as your shades exposed to light imprint on live film. A new page is turned. Time unfolds, performs, acts as a complex series of chemical baths, developing, then stopping, fixing, and washing.


And it has started… Another year of alarm clocks ringing, Early showers flowing and waiting… For trains. I am stepping in