The Ant Tavern

Tim was sitting in his favorite coffee place. It was large, crooked, ragged and loud. People were flowing in and out. Sharing stories with one another at the top of their lungs to cover the clamorous sound of music broadcasted on the dozen of old-school speakers, screwed on the walls.


That was the second time, Timothy walked in this place. It was a case of love at first sight between the man and this hotel. He had not needed many visits to sign the deeds. Just one look and he was all in.


I am home now. Alone. Empty. But alive. Life is unpredictable. So fragile. So persistent.   It is indescribable. Kind of confusing really.   That’s is it. I am stuck   in a provisory state of permanent confusion.

Broken Soul

I will never let you see Beyond the surface How scared and how scarred I really am.   Je ne te laisserai jamais voir Sous cette façade Ma peur et ces cicatrices Encore rougies.

A Sci-Fi Tale of Christmas Spirit

For the time being though, while his assistant’s schedule was crammed up with meetings and administrative bores, Timothy was taking a break from it all. He was looking forward to relaxing with his family, his loved ones. 

Bright New Skies

Growing up in a rough place, he never thought he would make it. But there he was that day, in this place of all places, with that woman of all women. How gorgeous she looked waiting for him to come and pick her up on her porch.

Transient Affections

He did not know what he wanted. He did not know what to do with his life. He felt like he was constantly watching time flutter and dwindle by, unable to grasp the flow of emotions repeatedly taking over, leaving his heart stranded on the shore.


It feels like you are everywhere Whenever I turn a corner, I catch a glimpse of your smiling face Our gazes cross paths and linger Just a few seconds longer than they should